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Hire Best React Freelancers within 48 Hours


Lead React Architect

10+ Years Experience
Full-time Availability
9+ Projects Completed

Himani has well-proven experience using React JS, CI, Cake PHP, Angular, and jQuery. She has proven experience working in domains like eCommerce, finance, and media.

Expert in
React JSAngular JSPHP
Also Worked With GitHubHTML 5CSS
Worked With


Senior React Developer

8+ Years Experience
Full-time Availability
7+ Projects Completed

Mayuri has worked passionately with frameworks like React JS, Laravel, Vue JS, Node JS, PHP, and jQuery. She is well-versed in domains like machine & fabrication, fuel, and resources.

Expert in
React JSVue JSNode
Also Worked With AWSDatabaseJQuery
Worked With
HIRE Mayuri


Lead React Developer

8+ Years Experience
Full-time Availability
6+ Projects Completed

Govind has experience developing front-end and back-end web apps, mobile apps, databases, and server management software. He is experienced in creating highly interactive web apps for real estate, education, and healthcare domains.

Expert in
React JSReact NativeCore PHP
Also Worked With DockerWordPressSQL
Worked With
HIRE Govind


Senior React Developer

7+ Years Experience
Full-time Availability
6+ Projects Completed

Hiral has experience working on various CMS like WordPress & Drupal as well as MVC frameworks in PHP like Laravel, custom OOPS based PHP Framework, third party API integrations, payment integrations in multiple domains like pharmaceutical, B2B and F&B E-Commerce.

Expert in
React JSReact NativeJavaScript
Also Worked With JQueryAJAXBootstrap
Worked With
HIRE Hiral


Senior React Developer

7+ Years Experience
Full-time Availability
5+ Projects Completed

Vivek has experience working in application design, development, integration, deployment, and production support of complex software applications. He has years of experience in various industry verticals such as healthcare, eCommerce, cloud platforms, and realestate.

Expert in
React JSNext JSRedux
Also Worked With TypescriptJestWebDriverIO
Worked With
HIRE Vivek


Senior React Developer

7+ Years Experience
Full-time Availability
6+ Projects Completed

Komal has hands-on experience in application design, development, and integration for mission-critical software solutions in top-notch technologies like ReactJS, JavaScript and Material UI. She has worked in various domains like eCommerce, transportation, media.

Expert in
React JSNode JSRedux
Also Worked With DatabasePostgreSQLRethinkDB
Worked With
HIRE Komal

Your Success Is Guaranteed !

We accelerate the release of digital products and guarantee your success

We Use Slack, Jira & GitHub for Accurate Deployment and Effective Communication.

Hire Freelance React Developer through Bacancy in Easy Steps


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Recent ReactJS Development Case Studies

Check out these awesome React Applications our Freelance React developer have built for our valuable clients to solve real-life problems and help them overcome start-up challenges.

The Container Store

Business Store

The Container Store

Core Technologies - React JS | Java

Container stores built the legacy of retail outlets that help in organizing and storing the closest details of product list, product details, search, filter, etc. Customers can buy products and add products in carts with an online payment facility.

Digital Channel Services


Digital Channel Services

Core Technologies - React JS | Node JS | PHP

Bangkok bank used the new relic one to solve the challenges of the DCS portal. It has unique features such as Application performance monitoring, synthetic monitoring, dashboard visualization, Infrastructure health monitoring, and many more.

Express Store


Express Store

Core Technologies - React JS | Java Spring Boot

In commerce project express stores, the user in the US can buy a tablet, mobile, connected devices, or any standalone accessories and easily transfer devices to Verizon. Though, Verizon is the largest wireless network operator company. They target two types of user prospect users and existing users.

Fortune-500 Clients

Bacancy has helped Fortune 500 brands and leading companies across multiple industries and verticals to grow their business

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Publicis sapient
Warner Bros
Academy Sports Outdoors
The Middle East & Europe
Dubai Bazaar
Danube Home
Right Farm
Bangkok Bank

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Let’s talk

Essential key skills of freelance React developer.

  • HTML + CSS
  • JSX
  • JavaScript Fundamentals + ES6
  • Node + npm
  • Redux

Additional skills that you expect from our freelance react programmer.

  • Sound knowledge of version control systems, such as GIT
  • Advanced knowledge of APIs and REST endpoints
  • Familiarity with NoSQL databases
  • Hands-on experience with AWS serverless architecture
  • Knowledge of back-end technologies
  • Experience of working in a global setting

If you want to hire react developers for an instant upgrade, for bug-fixing, or a project-based development, then hiring freelance React developers is right for you. However, if you want development support for your startup where you need assistance right from planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance, then hiring dedicated React developers is the best option.

Whether you are a product owner or a project manager, you are already aware of the fact that the success of your project is highly dependent on the React coders you hire. And here, you also need to ensure that the resource you hire is the right fit for your team. Bacancy’s vetting procedure is one of the biggest differentiators. We only hire high-caliber resource who is rigorously learning and improving constantly. The resource you hire from Bacancy will work at your ease &convenience as well as under your command and control.

You can write us your requirements, and we will reach back to you in less than 12 hours. Drop a mail or raise an inquiry at

Certainly, our React freelancers are on their “get-set” mode waiting for you to come and pick them up. They will take your project on the Go mode and take it to the desired output.