Quick Summary:

Your aspired Ruby on Rails application is all set and launched in the market. No, you are not dreaming; it is the moment of celebration. But, what brings you to a jolt? Are you fumbling in your head about how much Ruby on Rails maintenance cost? Are you stuck with the estimation of a maintenance cost for ruby on rails application?

You cannot imagine how much does ruby on rails costs and how much it costs for website maintenance. Get easy! I am here to sort all your troubles by guiding you to the core of Ruby on Rails maintenance services and giving you an estimate of RoR app maintenance cost.

Table of Contents


Ruby on Rails is a robust framework that turns out to be cost-effective for your business. It aids you in faster development time. Most essentially, it is suitable for all types of businesses. You have already won half the battle by developing your business solution using Ruby on Rails. But you’re not done yet! After launching your ruby on rails application, you need to look to maintain your RoR app continually.

You cannot overlook the need for maintenance for web applications and ask why do you need ruby on rails support and maintenance? Most entrepreneurs do not know the right cost of maintaining ruby on rails application. And in this blog, I shall give an insight into the varied aspects that affect the cost of developing and maintaining the RoR application.

Moreover, I’ve also covered the factors that add to your ruby on rails app maintenance cost and how you can lower your ruby on rails maintenance cost. Let us begin by understanding what all services are included in RoR maintenance.

Why Your Ruby on Rails Application Needs Maintenance?

You are the proud owner of your ruby on rails application and its vast community regularly offers bug fixes that ease your workload. However, if you do not keep your ruby on rails application up-to-date, you might not benefit from the latest third-party fixes.

Your products/services still working on the outdated RoR versions would not benefit from the new open-source contributions. Secondly, you will always be under the threat of security attacks if you do not update your ruby on rails version. Here, you need to calculate the upgrade cost of your software. When you go behind the maintenance of your RoR application, you consider secure authentication tips, session-attack precautions, prevention from data input threats, and such other ruby on rails web application vulnerabilities.

The relatively more significant and major updates are released annually, and minor updates come frequently. If you regularly maintain your ruby on rails app, it will be quite simple and easy to save the time and money you spend on enhancing your application. Additionally, keeping up-to-date will immensely improvise your application speed and performance and eliminate the use of 3rd party technologies.

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What Are The Ruby On Rails Maintenance Services?

We shall begin with learning what is ruby on rails maintenance as well as the Ruby on Rails maintenance costs estimation. The most basic benefits of all maintenance services are fixing revealed defects, hosting service, adding new features, regular data backup, and code optimization.

While your app is in ruby on rails maintenance mode, your users know that something better is coming, and the services are paused momentarily. Here are the primary and prominent RoR maintenance services:

Updating Gems

You need to keep your ruby on rails application updated with the recent versions of gems so that your app can leverage the advantage of the latest improvements and new enhancements.

Securing Ruby on Rails Code

Make sure that you regularly keep replacing your app’s old and insecure code with secure code. Assure that your code work is performant. This way, your ruby on rails application will comply with the tech-trends.

Monitoring Server

Keep a timely view of how your RoR app is performing, and hence you learn about any issues if they may arise. Be quick to tackle those issues, and you are safe.

Improving the Test Suite

Check if your testing suite is up to the mark so that you can test your ruby on rails application at all times and get fast test-results.

Modernizing the Deployments

Ensure that you add continuous integration with your automation tests, which brings your test results faster in front of your users.

Making the Code Performant

Use modern performance techniques to cut bloat so that your ruby on rails application works at its best. You save your money on hosting and your users’ money on bandwidth.

Writing the Documentation

It is highly essential to document your current ruby on rails project in its current pattern so that your team can recognize and speed up tech decisions in the future.

What Comes Under Ruby on Rails Application Security Assessment Services?

Entrepreneurs choose Ruby on Rails for their web and mobile app development because the framework is flexible, scalable, provides high-quality service, reduces business-risks, and can predict & reduce costs. However, after launching their RoR app, there are several factors that you need to consider to keep your app updated and maintained. You need to learn which factors affect Rails maintenance cost. The following RoR App security assessment services are necessary, and they can promise you a high ROI:

App Performance Monitoring

There are several APM tools available to track the performance of your ruby on rails application. Developers can regularly check for issues arising in their app and also monitor hardware utilization, app up-time, real-time server health, and more.

Security Patching & Monitoring

Every web application is prone to security vulnerabilities, and hence it is necessary to carry out security updates. Skilled ruby on rails developers will update security patches that ensure that your app runs smoothly and safely. Ruby on rails security involves SQL injection, Script injection, and cross-site request forgery.

Automated Backups

It is vital to take regular data backups of your RoR application. If anything goes wrong, the backup keeps you safe. Experienced Ruby on Rails developers ensure that you have data recovery and file replication whenever needed.

RoR version upgrades

Keeping your RoR app updated with the latest ruby on rails version keeps your app protected against security vulnerabilities, improves performance, and gains customer trust.

Auditing Source Code

Skilled RoR developers manually go through the source-code to check injection flaws, insecure 3rd-party resources, security vulnerabilities, poor cryptography, and poor coding practices.

Troubleshooting & Bug Fixing

To carry out regular operations with your ruby on rails application, it is mandatory to carry various tests and debugging cycles to troubleshoot all the issues.

Implementing New Features

Your ruby on rails solution needs to be continuously updated, and your developers should be able to add new features to enhance your application’s usability.

Want Your Ruby on Rails App To Be On Top Of The Charts?
If you are looking for world-class ruby on rails maintenance services then Contact Bacancy and hire Ruby on Rails developer to get the best Ruby on Rails Development Services.

Cost Optimization Strategies For RoR Web Apps

If you expect your RoR web application/software to live long, you must take care of it. Let me ask you how do you maintain ruby on rail web app? There are certain key-points to look after to keep your ruby on rails app maintenance cost under control.

Understanding the Documentation

We have already told you to keep your documentation updated, and the next task is to understand the documentation. Suppose all your old developers and team members are no-more working on your application, then the new members might find it challenging to learn from the documentation.

Hence, you should keep knowledge of your documentation at all times. Or at least a member of your team who is aware of all interventions on your project documentation.

Setting up error and performance monitoring

To stay precautious since the beginning, you need to apply a perfect balance of performance monitoring and debugging to catch the bottlenecks and bugs of your ruby on rails application.

Running Minor Updates Gradually

Maintenance tends to be costly if you update your application after longer spans. Ideally, to stay safe from spending expenses, you should frequently update your app with minor updates. This practice will optimize your ruby on rails maintenance cost.


You are aware that all apps require sudden quick fixing and hacks, but ensure that you clean up your code in the long run. Every time you build new features to your app, just make sure that you remove the unnecessary and commented code.

Rebuilding Only When it is Mandatory

Any app development is a tedious project, so try and use the reusable components instead of developing the complete application/functionality. You can use the lean microservices and save yourself from the cost of rebuilding an entire feature.

You May Also Like to Read: How to Implement Active Model Serializers with Your Rails API?

Cost Optimization Strategies For RoR Mobile Apps

Your ruby on rails mobile application asks for a regular appointment to rejuvenate, and hence it can promise to stay loyal to your business. Just like how girlfriends are demanding, so is the Ruby on Rails mobile app! However, smart entrepreneurs have learned to tackle such thriving muddles in a pocket-friendly way. Find out how you can optimize ruby on rails mobile app maintenance cost:

Maximizing ROI

To optimize your Ruby on Rails maintenance cost for your web and mobile applications, you should hire RoR developers that are skilled and make sure that you get a high return on investment.

Focusing on the Purpose of the App

You might get lured to add multiple features and enhancements to your Ruby on Rails mobile application. But to keep an optimum mobile app, make sure that you do not drift from your app’s primary purpose.

Keeping Only the Mobile Features

Your ruby on rails web application might have amazing features but it is not necessary to add all those features to your mobile app as well. Certain features are viable from a web perspective, so do not count those features on your RoR mobile application.

Choosing the Right RoR Developer

Development cost varies depending on the geography of your Ruby on rails developers. Mostly, developers from the USA tend to be more costly than the developers of India. Your RoR app development and maintenance costs depend on your development costs. So choose the right developer for your project.

How Much Does Ruby on Rails App Maintenance Costs?

By choosing Ruby on Rails for your business app development, you have already taken the right step towards cost-saving. The RoR framework saves your development costs while you are planning your production budget. Take a look at how it saves your development costs:

Time Efficiency

Your ruby on rails development company uses the in-built plugins & modules and hence not waste time writing code from scratch. This way, RoR software developers can build your product faster, and you need to pay for lesser hours and save your budget.

No Licensing Cost

Being open-source, RoR saves your licensing cost because the framework is distributed under the MIT license.

Community Support

Your RoR issues get easily sorted with the vast ruby on rails community support on varied platforms like Slack, Reddit, Discord, etc. The community developers also create new gems and share them for free in the community you can use in your project.

Now, the cost of maintaining your ruby on rails application is not a straightforward answer. Any project’s cost depends on your project’s complexity, the number of developers working on it, and the development cost.

Yet to give you a tentative idea, we will share some insights:

  • To add continuous integration services, you might have to pay around $300 to $600 annually.
  • While your app is running smoothly, you still have to hire ruby on rails developers at all times to keep checking if any bugs hit your application. The hourly rate of our RoR developers is $20 to $50 and in a month you need 20 to 40 hours of maintenance.
  • Annually, you need to pay for the ruby on rails hosting services.
  • You need to access the modern code repositories for executable and configurable files. GitHub, the best one in the market, costs around $9 to $21 for a month.
  • Your application might need additional premium services like payment gateways and geolocation services, and you have to pay for such third-party integrations.
  • To analyze your ruby on rails project, you can use the freely available Google Analytics, but for big-scale projects, you might want paid service of Hotjar or similar.
  • There are third-party integrations available for tracing the critical issues (example Rollbar) in your project, and you can invest in the membership if you require.

How Can Project Managers Lower Maintenance Cost For Ruby On Rails Apps?

A project manager that follows Agile methodology for developing ruby on rails application takes your app to a successful pedestal. Such project managers can turn to be a blessing for your pockets because they help you lower ruby on rails app maintenance costs. Here’s how:

Deducing the Number of Pages

The project manager wisely decides whether you need a 10-page application or just 5 pages are enough. As the number of pages add-up, your development cost and ruby on rails maintenance cost increase. But, by deducing the number of pages, you can drastically lower your costs.

Lowering RoR App Complexity

The manager will gauge the definition of your ruby on rails application and analyze whether you need a dynamic or static page. The PM knows to decide if you need a mail service or if the user comments are needed to display or not. You reduce your ruby on rails app maintenance cost by reducing the complexity of your application.

Simplifying the Design

Depending on the genre of your ruby on rails application, decide if your user will appreciate a unique design in your project or prefer simplicity and ease of loading. As the design patterns enhance, so does your maintenance cost increases.

Location of the RoR developer

As mentioned previously, your ruby on rails project manager wisely selects RoR developers from locations that benefit your project costs. In this way, project managers can reduce the maintenance cost of ruby on rails applications.

Is It Cheaper to Maintain Ruby on Rails App Compared to Other Technologies?
To answer this question, we can remind you of all the perks that ruby on rails framework provides you. The promising availability of ready gems keeps you from inventing newer solutions because there are already many gems available for free. Yes, the ruby on rails maintenance cost depends on your project complexity, the number of developers, and the development costs. Ruby on rails ensures alluring cost-optimization strategies, which is rare as compared to other technologies. This makes Ruby on Rails the ultimate choice for your project development process.


The Ruby on Rails maintenance services depends on your developers’ location and cost. As maintenance is an essential part of your ruby on rails project, you can not ignore it. At Bacancy, we offer comprehensive ruby on rails upgrade service. I hope you found this article on cost estimation useful. Applying these cost optimization strategies, I’m sure your company will benefit from your business application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

At Bacancy, our skilled Ruby on Rails developers, provide small feature upgrades with new and periodic RoR releases annually. Mostly we offer security upgrades in ruby on rails minor upgrade service.

Our RoR major upgrade usually prevails once every year when there are breaking changes in the RoR version release. Here, our proficient developers check if your app is still working accurately and it doesn’t need the next big update release.

We offer frequent and small operational changes to keep your app users happy. The bug fixing service includes SSL certifications, removing error messages, fixing broken lines, and diagnosing issues.

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