
3 Trends That Prove Everyday AI Is the Future

AI has moved beyond being a flashy, side exploratory topic and is now the scalable, sustainable answer to many high-value business needs across all industries. What is driving this evolution and where will the next waves of value emerge?

Finexkap: From Raw Data to Production, 7x Faster

Finexkap’s data team packs a big punch, leveraging Dataiku to build data projects (using both integrated notebooks and visual recipes), automate processes, and push to production 7x faster.

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Western Digital: Smarter Email Categorization With NLP

Western Digital built an NLP-based system in Dataiku to categorize and better understand their emails for more efficiency (100 employee hours saved per month), reduced response time and higher customer satisfaction

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Heraeus: Improving the Sales Lead Pipeline With LLMs

Each of Heraeus’s 20 operating companies has its own lead identification and qualification process. See how Heraeus uses Large Language Models (LLMs) in Dataiku to support these processes, ultimately saving time and increasing sales conversion.

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Novartis: Streamlining Analytics & AI Across the Organization

Novartis moved from repetitive manual calculations in Excel to informed decision making grounded in accurate and real-time data with Dataiku.

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Standard Chartered Bank: Driving Business Outcomes With Data

Across all areas of the bank, Standard Chartered is accelerating the development of AI solutions, creating a culture of decision making driven by analytics and unlocking the value of data to power better business outcomes.

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